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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Case 5

A 45 years old male presents with sudden diminution of vision in the right eye 2 days ago, his BCVA is PLGP. He is hypertensive with no history of other systemic diseases.

The colour photo shows retinal pallor, cherry red spot at the fovea, and attenuated retinal arteries.

OCT line scan passing through the fovea shows an increase in overall retinal thickness and hyper-reflectivity of the inner retina with posterior shadowing.

What do you think is the diagnosis, any other investigations needed and what about the management?


Anonymous said...

i think this central retinal artery occlusion

Rabab Khattab Msc said...

Rt central retinal artery occlusion

Azza Farrag Msc said...

Central retinal artery occlusion.