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Monday, June 11, 2007

Case 4

28 years old male with a past history of lumbar puncture and who presents with recent attacks of headache and blurring of vision. His BCVA is 6/12 bilateral. These are the colour photos of his fundus and the respective OCT line scans (vertical) passing through the optic nerve of the left then the right eye.

The images show pre-papillary white patches with minimal blurring of mainly the nasal disc edge, the OCTs show cup filling with elevation of the disc edges. What do you think?


Rabab Khattab Msc said...

bilateral papilloedema more advanced in Lt eye

Anonymous said...

When i had the first look at the fundus picture i thought it was demyelinated NF but after reading the history properly i also agree with bilateral papilloedema.

Dr.Tarek ElEmary said...

I think its fibrous band from the previous optic head swelling but their is anther signs we have in the color picture a nerve stria which may associated with increase IOP do any one agree with me