A 57 years old female presented with severe diminution of vision in the left eye which is constantly decreasing. She has a history of NIDDM of 5 years with poor control. BCVA was 3/60. She has already seeked ophthalmological advice and has received bilateral LASER treatments for her retina.

FFA was done and shows disc oedema with splinter hemorrhages, lower macular retinal oedema associated with other focal exudative changes, scattered microaneurysms and no evidence of retinal ischemia or vascular proliferation.
What is the likely diagnosis, further investigations and management?
a case of optic neuritis.
automated perimetry could be tried.
TTT:-control of blood sugar
- Vasodilators?? Trivastal
I think a OCt study of the macula wil be needed and color doplar will be needed as I think its ? diabetic ischemic neuropathy .
I think this case shows old inferior BRVO evdenced by the macular edema along the lower arcade & the extensive disc edema indicated associated optic neuritis. VEP and MRI may help and field if vision allows, however the appearance of upper altitudinal field defect might be caused by BRVO or ischemic papillitis
It is an ischemic optic neuropathy.
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