Color photography shows a red rounded lesion surrounded by hard exudates and hemorrhage located along one of the branches of the inferior temporal retinal artery.
FFA shows an early hyperfluorescent spot corresponding to the lesion seen in the color photo, which increases in intensity and slightly in size along the angiogram. Areas of blocked fluorescence correspond to the hemorrhage seen in the color photo.

OCT line scan passing through the hyperfluorescent spot seen in FFA shows markedly increased retinal thickness with intraretinal fluid accumulation (hemorrhage) causing underlying shadowing. There is also evidence of partial PVD.
Macroaneurism with central gliosis serrouded by retinal hemorrhage and retinal oedema. I dont think argon LASER treatment for the lesion itself is an option here due to the close relation to the inferior arcade (may be serrounding the lesion for the retinal oedema). In any case i would wait for spontaneous involution.
I also think it is a macroaneurysm
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